Rachel Foster
Email Sequence Triggered by Website Inquiry
Objective: Convert cold website visitors into warm prospects with an email series that delivers a lead magnet while offering a choice of two CTAs - scheduling a free call or enrolling for their first swim class.
Audience: Parents with children, primarily between the ages of 3 months and 13 years. The largest subsegment of this audience is parents with infants and toddlers.
Delivery: Email 1 of 4 is triggered when the parent engages with an optin that utilizes a lead magnet titled "5 Things Every Parent Should Know Before Choosing a Swim Lesson". The subsequent emails go out every 3 days until either the final email is delivered or the recipient clicks on a schedule link, which triggers an unsubscribe from sequence automation.
Email 1 of 4
Subject: 🌊 this email saves lives
Preview text: keep reading to learn how
Thank you for taking the first step to learn more about swim lessons for your family.
Your free download is now available. Just click the title to learn 5 Things That Every Parent Should Know Before Choosing a Swim Lesson.
Becoming an informed parent is an important part of helping your child learn to survive around water while developing confidence.
We’ve all heard the horror stories, right? Little ones falling into pools or teenagers who panic. You tell yourself that it can only happen to other people, yet the fear still nags at you.
You’re smart to be concerned!
Drowning is the leading cause of death for children between the ages of 1 and 4.
Learning to swim isn’t just important for your little ones. It’s crucial at every stage of childhood. And, many parents don’t realize it, but drowning is also a top cause of death among teens.
Imagine what it would feel like to know that your children can save themselves if they fall in. This peace of mind… and so much more… is achievable with the right program. If you have water near your home, close to a neighbor's house, or near the places you visit, the time to prepare is now.
Swimingly Survival lessons begin as young as 3 months of age. Students benefit from positive, encouraging, caring teachers who are specially trained.
Your lessons don’t end until your child masters the back float safety technique and is able to reach the side of the pool. Success is guaranteed.
Plus, skill classes are available for students who want to progress beyond the survival basics.
Go here to schedule a free call with one of our trained Swimingly experts, or head straight to our booking calendar to reserve your first lesson.
The only way you can wrong here is to do nothing.
Warm regards,
Suzanne Smith
Program Director at Swimingly
Email 2 of 4
Subject: her tiny feet approached the edge
Preview: and then it happened…
The toddler was doing what toddlers do - chasing the family pet around the yard.
That’s when it happened. She fell in the pool.
Mom heard a splash and watched the whole, frightening scene as it unfolded.
Luckily, the family had prepared for this exact moment…
The young girl popped to the surface and rolled to her back. She calmly floated there while catching her breath before scooting over to the safety of the pool’s edge.
How would your little one react if this were to happen to your family?
If you’re not confident in your children’s ability to save themselves, schedule a free consultation with one of our Swimingly survival experts or reserve your first lesson while times are still available.
Suzanne Smith
Program Director at Swimingly
Email 3 of 4
Subject: he hated the water
Preview: so Mom did this to help him…
Pool parties, water parks, and long weekends at the lake! These are the memory-making experiences of a happy childhood.
But he hated the water, so each of these opportunities were dulled by defiance and tears.
The other children splashed about without a care, while his mother wasted entire vacations calming tantrums and trying to convince her son that swimming is fun.
Finally, she sought help from Swimingly skill experts who had helped 100’s of hesitant children just like him.
Mom was amazed at how quickly his confidence soared. Within weeks, her four-year-old’s entire attitude towards water had changed.
Finally, pool time was something to look forward to, and the whole family was able to enjoy these special moments together.
If you’re ready to ditch the drama and have more fun with your kids, schedule a free call with one of our skill experts or head over to the calendar and grab a convenient time slot for your first lesson.
Suzanne Smith
Program Director at Swimingly
Email 4 of 4
Subject: her child was embarrassed
Preview text: and she knew she needed to do something…
The other kids at the party were diving for rings, doing handstands in the water, and launching themselves off the diving board.
But her 10-year-old lacked confidence in the water. He stood there in the shallow end with his back against the edge of the pool, too embarrassed to participate with the others.
His mother thought that he’d just pick up those skills as he got older, but that’s not what happened.
Luckily, it’s never too late to enroll in private lessons or group classes. The same topnotch training techniques that help young children also get great results with older students.
The right instruction helped her son build confidence so that he could look forward to pool parties and feel good about himself when playing water games with his friends.
If your child would love to have that same level of confidence, reply to this email and let us know.
Suzanne Smith
Program Director at Swimingly