Social Media advertising will either be the cost-effective solution that keeps your classes full. Or, it will be the deep, dark hole where your advertising budget goes to die.
The difference? The overwhelming power of words - how you use them - and how you craft your message to play by the rules. Don't write another ad without watching this video and reading the example below.
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Long-Form Facebook Ad Example:
❌ You may NOT copy this ad for yourself
❌ You may NOT copy most of the ad and just change a word or two
✔️ You may use this ad as a guide to write your own ad in your own voice
Hey, mama. It feels good to give the kids freedom to do their art thing – gluing, glittering, painting, and giggling. Plus, it’s no secret that creativity builds problem-solving skills that last a lifetime. There’s just one big problem – the mess – the sticky, gooey, oh gees I just bought that rug, mess. Yep, I heard you sigh; don’t miss this message. Imagine having your cake (or glass of 🍷) and eating it, too… Makerspace Parents Night Out is now available nearby. Here are just a few reasons to ❤️ it: 1. Kids have fun, bring ideas to life, and hang out with friends. 2. Parents enjoy a peaceful dinner out. 3. It’s more affordable than hiring a sitter. 4. Our trained instructors stick around to clean up after. Need even more reasons? Stop by Makerspace PNO is drop-off. It’s conveniently held downtown just blocks away from everybody’s favorite restaurant. And, it just happens to be held at the same time as First Friday (okay, that’s not really a coincidence). Click the learn more button for the full calendar and complete details. |
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Parents Relax, Kids Have Fun [ Learn More ] |
Short-Form Facebook Ad Example:
❌ You may NOT copy this ad for yourself
❌ You may NOT copy most of the ad and just change a word or two
✔️ You may use this ad as a guide to write your own ad in your own voice
Kids love to craft, but moms hate cleaning up after… Imagine an event where kids enjoy creativity, grownups get a dinner out, and we take care of the mess. Makerspace Parents Night Out is here - click the Learn More button for details. |
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Parents Relax, Kids Have Fun [ Learn More ] |