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Perfect Printables


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Get schedules, flyers, handouts, and downloadables that bring your program benefits out of hiding and compel parents to enroll.

  • Customer-focused, easy to read, branded and beautiful class schedule (up to 2 pages) *

  • Book more parties with a perfectly worded flyer that shows off your party prowess! (1 page) *

  • Don't lose money on school breaks. Powerful words and eye catching flyers get more campers. (1 page) *

  • BONUS: Includes a scan ready QR code and clickable url for dual use.

* The fine print: Available flyer formats include pdf and/or Canva templates (for easy updating). Canva Pro membership is required to access the Canva format flyers. If you are new to Canva, you are eligible for a free trial month membership. Continued Canva Pro enrollment has a monthly or annual fee. As a Canva affiliate, I receive nominal compensation for referring new studio bosses to Canva at no additional cost to you.

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