Market research points all of your advertising arrows towards your ideal customer, which removes friction, improves communication, and easily converts visitors into customers. This package includes:
A 30-minute call with me, via Zoom
A carefully crafted market research survey that will reveal those key words that motivate parents to buy
Easy to follow instructions for getting your survey in front of your future customers
Access to survey results (you'll finally know exactly what the parents are thinking)
A Results Analysis and Next Best Step recommendation tailored to your community
The answers you need to create the programs that parents want to buy, then know exactly what to say to fill them up.
I'm so sure about this that, if you attend the Zoom call and don't like what you hear, just request a refund within 24 hours of that call by emailing me at rachel@wordsthatsellclasses.com.
The fine print:
This package includes tools, in the form of text and files, that will help you get the survey in front of parents in your community. However, I do not have access to parents in your community. The following tasks will be dependent on you:
Post the provided survey link on your social media accounts
Ask local Facebook group admins to share your link (I will provide message text suggestions for your requests)
Email the provided survey link to your subscribers (suggested email text is included in this package)
Print notecards with theprovided survey QR code and distribute them to your customers
If you are unwilling or unable to complete the tasks listed above, I do not recommend this package. I am committed to serving you in an exceptional way, but I do not have access to your local demographic and customer lists.