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Any program director can close more sales in less time, with less effort, just by using the power of words. Learn how, for free...

You Go Run Your Program and Leave All of Those Things-With-Words to Me
Class descriptions, event details, schedules, flyers, those social media about sections that you hate to write, website text, email campaigns, inquiry responses...
...pretty much any piece of communication that you use to turn visitors into paying customers.
This is not a fancy shmancy, big marketing agency that requires long-term contracts and thousand dollar investments just to get started. My story probably sounds a lot like yours.
My real-world wordsmithing skills are the result of decades-deep experience founding and growing instructional or tourism programs, combined with years of adapting the strategies taught by proven sales experts.
Now available to you - the power of words that will multiply your investment over time with bite-sized copywriting packages. These strategies allow you to build your program at a pace that you can manage.
Don't believe me? You shouldn't...let me explain. You've probably learned by now that advertising gurus are really great at advertising themselves, but not so great at getting you... or your program's goals. So, why the heck would Words That Sell Classes be any different?
🗹 Decades of boots-on-the-ground experience.
🗹 Powerful, laser-focused training.
🗹 Underdog hustle + big-time skills.
Read more about me, browse available copywriting packages, or book a free discovery call below. I invite you to see for yourself...even the skeptics...I was once a skeptic myself!